‘Shooting Star’, a track from the new ‘Suitcase – a live collection’ album gets some air play on FOLKAL POINT, which airs simultaneously on Thursdays (10pm midnight) across the Cowal Peninsula via Dunoon Community Radio 97.4 FM and online, 105.2 FM in the Uists and Benbecula via An Reidio and Two Lochs Radio (Wester Ross) on 106 and 106.6 FM.
DCR also has a Sunday night repeat from 10pm to midnight.
Folkal Point also has a Friday slot (911pm) on 100.8 Revival FM and between 10pm and midnight on Saturday with HBS in Glasgow and Paisley.
The programme is retransmitted globally online three times a week by Blues and Roots Radio from Canada.
Folkal Point is produced by Colin MacDonald in Scotland at the Wellington Street studios of HBS in Glasgow.
www.folkalpoint.scot for playlists often much, much more! and https://www.facebook.com/pages/folkalpoint/284393961617688